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Visibility Errors

Dimension- 12x8x8 ft

Media- steel mesh, steel wire

Year- 2019

Place- Nokkhottrobari Resort, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Through this installed semi sculpture, I wanted to show how people gradually loose their identity while passing through a plexus mesh. This spontaneous organic form was created with simple steel fishing net, collected from a local village hardware shop in Bangladesh. The mesh was folded in many directions to get the final result, which is a reflection of extreme complexity of human mind. As a complicated thought process makes a known person totally unknown, I see this fact as an inevitable error of visibility!


As a site-specific work, I chose to install this sculpted form on a large staircase of a resort, to let the ordinary people come across it at the time of their easy commotion and feel uncomfortable with this item when they detect visibility error in finding the person other side of the object.


I always want to play with viewer's memory and subconscious. So my objective was to provoke viewer's thoughts and make them recall few memories, when they underwent the similar feeling in a very secluded moment in their life.


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